Extension for Submission of 2023 Honors 1st Year Examination Forms. Date: 16 August 2024...
National University of Bangladesh
Circular No: NU/Hons1stYear/2023/Notice-9901
Date: 16 August 2024
Subject: Extension for Submission of 2023 Honors 1st Year Examination Forms
The National University of Bangladesh is announcing an extended opportunity for the submission of examination forms for students enrolled in the Honors 1st Year program for the 2023 academic session. This decision has been taken to accommodate students who encountered difficulties meeting the previous deadline for form submission and data entry.
Previously, the closing date for submitting forms and completing the data confirmation process through Sonali Seba was set for 22 July 2024. However, to provide additional flexibility, the university has extended the deadlines for those students who missed the initial submission window.
Revised Dates for Submission and Payment:
Form Submission and Data Entry Window:
- Begins: 18 August 2024
- Ends: 27 August 2024
Payment Window through Sonali Seba:
- Open From: 28 August 2024
- Closes On: 29 August 2024 (Payments accepted between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM)
Those who missed the original deadline will now have the chance to submit their forms during this extended period. However, it is important to note that a late fee of BDT 500 will apply to submissions made during this time frame.
Criteria for Examination Eligibility
Students from the 2014-2015 academic year who received a failing grade in any of their courses may register for the 2023 Honors 1st Year examination by submitting the required fees, totaling BDT 5,000. Registration renewals are not necessary for these students. It is essential to stress that failing to submit forms or participate in the examination during this extension will result in the student being ineligible for future exams. Additionally, no opportunities will be provided for improving grades in practical components of the examination.
Further Details and Reminders:
Please be informed that all instructions provided in the previous notice, Notice No: NU/Hons1stYear/2023/5757, issued on 13 May 2024, remain fully applicable. Institutions that have not yet completed their data entries or payments through Sonali Seba may do so during the extended window from 18 August 2024 to 22 August 2024.
Contact and Support Information:
For assistance regarding payment issues or system-related queries, students and institutions can reach out to Md. Humayun Kabir, the designated System Analyst, at 01717037766. The official student portal is also available for further instructions and updates: http://ems.nu.ac.bd/student-login.
We strongly urge all students to rely solely on official notifications published on the university’s website at www.nu.ac.bd for the latest information. Avoid relying on unofficial sources that could provide inaccurate details.
Controller of Examinations (Acting)
National University, Bangladesh
Email: controller@nu.ac.bd

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